
Lesson 7 Names and addresses

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?

If people who are from different countries try to have communication each other, we don't really need same language, it's much better to have same language though.
Because, we can express ourself just our emotion. Although I couldn't speak enough English when I was in the state, I had best friends there, and I thought there is no just language communication. We can communicate by our emotion.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Now write the English translation.

sad 悲しい
satisfied         満足した
exited          興奮している
interested        興味深い
mad, angry       怒っている
bored          退屈な
sleepy         眠たい
hungry         お腹すいている
lazy           めんどくさい
desappointed     がっかりした 
depressed       嫌に思う

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that canttry be translated into English?


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