
Personal Spaces

Q. You're talking to a co-worker. How close do you stand?
It depends on situation, but usually Im close to co-worker about 1meter.

Q. You're talking to a friend. Do you touch each other?
Yes. This answer is most for girls. Especially I touch my very close friends. By touching each other, I can express how I'm close to my friends. On the other hand, I don't touch no close friends.

Q. Look at the diagram of a waiting room. Where do you sit when you enter?
I think I sit near the entrance. I don't really care about sitting right next people. I don't want to move that much when I get out of the room.

Q. You're in a crowded elevator. Where do you look?
I definitely look up to the floor guide. And sometimes when I'm in a crowded, I don't take a big breath. I mean I don't want people to hear even my some air.

Q. You're standing in line. How close do you stand to the person in front?
I think I have just 50 centimeters to the person.

Q. You get on the bus. There is an empty row of seats at the back, and an empty seat close by. Where do you sit?
I used to sit the back. I could be relaxed and have extra space. But now I changed my mind. Whenever I get on the bus, I sit the seat as much as close to the Exit. Now I don't really care about sights from people.

Q. You're in a library and there's an empty seat beside you. Do you want to stop someone sitting there? If so, how?
When I have to, I do that. But I don't want to do that on purpose.

Q. You're going to the beach. Do you like to see lots of people or very few?
It depends on situation. In summer When I go to beach, I want to see a lot of people to have fun all together. But When I go there to just see ocean, I wouldn't like to see lots of people. I want to just be relaxed there.

Q. When you're talking to someone, do you look them in the eye?
Yes! That is the best communication. I believe.

Q. You're on a train. Do you talk to the other passenger?
No, When I'm on train in Japan, I imitate grumpy. I don't want to talk to people in a train.

1 件のコメント:

HJU Teacher さんのコメント...

Excellent answers!