1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?
In Japanese society, what people wear is so important thing. I think that how make others feel trust us and give the best impression is important. Especially when we go to work and go in public, many people see our appearance. There is a word "Be not judged by our appearance (You can not judge a book by its cover)" But appearance is influenced our everything, I mean friendships, jobs...
In my case, if I see improper clothes in formal place, I would doubt whether they have a common sense. So we can not see all about them by just what they wear, but that's very influential matter.
2 Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?
Strongly yes.
I don't really care about what kind of clothes they wear, but I would judge sort of their culture and customs. If I don't know any other people from a county, my impression about the country is built.
So I don't exactly mention, but Japanese society puts an importance on clothing.
3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?
Actually I am wearing a suit for a job meeting today.
We learned what we wear is reflect our mood. That was very interesting for me. I usually wear dark color no pastels. That means........ no energy?? I don't know... I should wear colorful clothes some time for getting power.
Preparation for next class (about friends)
1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?
I don't really have subjects that I can't talk to my friends, but that's for only close friends.
For me, I don't talk about myself that much to not so close friends
2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places?
I think that it's better to have different types of friends. There is the only one important thing. I respect all my friends, in other word, I would like to make a friend with people I respect.
Therefore it's no wonder if I have different opinions or thoughts.
I'm happy to talk about different things and to go to different places.
It's important to be able to get inspiration whether I can grow up by them at the first time I meet people.
2 件のコメント:
I've not thought how clothes are important, but it's so important to give impression, especially when I meet the person first time I see his/her clothes. I don't judge, but I think I can see their personality or more.
Very good comments and work!